Class BuildingStreamWriterImpl

  extended by net.sf.saxon.event.StreamWriterToReceiver
      extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.BuildingStreamWriterImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLStreamWriter, BuildingStreamWriter

public class BuildingStreamWriterImpl
extends StreamWriterToReceiver
implements BuildingStreamWriter

This class is an implementation of XMLStreamWriter, allowing a document to be constructed by means of a series of XMLStreamWriter method calls such as writeStartElement(), writeAttribute(), writeCharacters(), and writeEndElement().

The detailed way in which this class is packaged is carefully designed to ensure that if the functionality is not used, the DocumentBuilder is still usable under JDK 1.5 (which does not include interfaces).

Constructor Summary
BuildingStreamWriterImpl(Receiver receiver, Builder builder)
Method Summary
 XdmNode getDocumentNode()
          After building the document by writing a sequence of events, retrieve the root node of the constructed document tree
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.event.StreamWriterToReceiver
close, flush, getNamespaceContext, getPrefix, getProperty, isCheckValues, isInventPrefixes, setCheckValues, setDefaultNamespace, setInventPrefixes, setNamespaceContext, setPrefix, writeAttribute, writeAttribute, writeAttribute, writeCData, writeCharacters, writeCharacters, writeComment, writeDefaultNamespace, writeDTD, writeEmptyElement, writeEmptyElement, writeEmptyElement, writeEndDocument, writeEndElement, writeEntityRef, writeNamespace, writeProcessingInstruction, writeProcessingInstruction, writeStartDocument, writeStartDocument, writeStartDocument, writeStartElement, writeStartElement, writeStartElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.s9api.BuildingStreamWriter
isCheckValues, isInventPrefixes, setCheckValues, setInventPrefixes
Methods inherited from interface
close, flush, getNamespaceContext, getPrefix, getProperty, setDefaultNamespace, setNamespaceContext, setPrefix, writeAttribute, writeAttribute, writeAttribute, writeCData, writeCharacters, writeCharacters, writeComment, writeDefaultNamespace, writeDTD, writeEmptyElement, writeEmptyElement, writeEmptyElement, writeEndDocument, writeEndElement, writeEntityRef, writeNamespace, writeProcessingInstruction, writeProcessingInstruction, writeStartDocument, writeStartDocument, writeStartDocument, writeStartElement, writeStartElement, writeStartElement

Constructor Detail


public BuildingStreamWriterImpl(Receiver receiver,
                                Builder builder)
Method Detail


public XdmNode getDocumentNode()
                        throws SaxonApiException
Description copied from interface: BuildingStreamWriter
After building the document by writing a sequence of events, retrieve the root node of the constructed document tree

Specified by:
getDocumentNode in interface BuildingStreamWriter
the root node of the constructed tree. The result is undefined (maybe null, maybe an exception) if the method is called before successfully completing the sequence of events (of which the last should be XMLStreamWriter.writeEndDocument()) that constructs the tree.
SaxonApiException - if any failure occurs

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