Class XdmAtomicValue

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue
      extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem
          extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmAtomicValue
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XdmAtomicValue
extends XdmItem

The class XdmAtomicValue represents an item in an XPath 2.0 sequence that is an atomic value. The value may belong to any of the 19 primitive types defined in XML Schema, or to a type derived from these primitive types, or the XPath 2.0 type xs:untypedAtomic. The type may be either a built-in type or a user-defined type.

An XdmAtomicValue is immutable.

Constructor Summary
protected XdmAtomicValue(AtomicValue value)
  XdmAtomicValue(BigDecimal value)
          Create an xs:decimal atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(boolean value)
          Create an xs:boolean atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(double value)
          Create an xs:double atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(float value)
          Create an xs:float atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(long value)
          Create an xs:integer atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(QName value)
          Create an xs:QName atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(String value)
          Create an xs:string atomic value
  XdmAtomicValue(String lexicalForm, ItemType type)
          Construct an atomic value given its lexical representation and the name of the required built-in atomic type.
  XdmAtomicValue(URI value)
          Create an xs:anyURI atomic value
Method Summary
 boolean getBooleanValue()
          Get the value converted to a boolean using the XPath casting rules
 BigDecimal getDecimalValue()
          Get the value converted to a decimal using the XPath casting rules
 double getDoubleValue()
          Get the value converted to a double using the XPath casting rules.
 long getLongValue()
          Get the value converted to an integer using the XPath casting rules
 QName getPrimitiveTypeName()
          Get the primitive type of this atomic value, as a QName.
 Object getValue()
          Get the value as a Java object of the nearest equivalent type.
 String toString()
          Get the result of converting the atomic value to a string.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem
getStringValue, isAtomicValue, newAtomicValue, size, wrapItem
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue
append, getUnderlyingValue, itemAt, iterator, setValue, wrap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected XdmAtomicValue(AtomicValue value)


public XdmAtomicValue(boolean value)
Create an xs:boolean atomic value

value - the boolean value, true or false


public XdmAtomicValue(long value)
Create an xs:integer atomic value

value - the xs:integer value, as a long


public XdmAtomicValue(BigDecimal value)
Create an xs:decimal atomic value

value - the xs:decimal value, as a BigDecimal


public XdmAtomicValue(double value)
Create an xs:double atomic value

value - the xs:double value, as a double


public XdmAtomicValue(float value)
Create an xs:float atomic value

value - the xs:float value, as a float


public XdmAtomicValue(String value)
Create an xs:string atomic value

value - the xs:string value, as a string


public XdmAtomicValue(URI value)
Create an xs:anyURI atomic value

value - the xs:anyURI value, as a URI


public XdmAtomicValue(QName value)
Create an xs:QName atomic value

value - the xs:QName value, as a QName


public XdmAtomicValue(String lexicalForm,
                      ItemType type)
               throws SaxonApiException
Construct an atomic value given its lexical representation and the name of the required built-in atomic type.

This method cannot be used to construct values that are namespace-sensitive (QNames and Notations)

lexicalForm - the value in the lexical space of the target data type. More strictly, the input value before the actions of the whitespace facet for the target data type are applied.
type - the required atomic type. This must either be one of the built-in atomic types defined in XML Schema, or a user-defined type whose definition appears in a schema that is known to the Processor. It must not be an abstract type.
SaxonApiException - if the type is unknown, or is not atomic, or is namespace-sensitive; or if the value supplied in lexicalForm is not in the lexical space of the specified atomic type.
Method Detail


public String toString()
Get the result of converting the atomic value to a string. This has the same effect as the XPath string() function.

toString in class Object


public QName getPrimitiveTypeName()
Get the primitive type of this atomic value, as a QName. The primitive types for this purpose are the 19 primitive types of XML Schema, plus xs:integer, xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration, and xs:untypedAtomic. For external objects, the result is xs:anyAtomicType.

a QName naming the primitive type of this atomic value. This will always be an atomic type.


public Object getValue()
Get the value as a Java object of the nearest equivalent type.

The result type is as follows:

XPath type Java class
xs:string String
xs:integer java.math.BigInteger
xs:decimal java.math.BigDecimal
xs:double Double
xs:float Float
xs:boolean Boolean
xs:QName QName
xs:anyURI String
Other types currently String, but this may change in the future

the value, converted to a Java object of a suitable type


public boolean getBooleanValue()
                        throws SaxonApiException
Get the value converted to a boolean using the XPath casting rules

the result of converting to a boolean (Note: this is not the same as the effective boolean value).
SaxonApiException - if the value cannot be cast to a boolean


public long getLongValue()
                  throws SaxonApiException
Get the value converted to an integer using the XPath casting rules

the result of converting to an integer
SaxonApiException - if the value cannot be cast to an integer


public double getDoubleValue()
                      throws SaxonApiException
Get the value converted to a double using the XPath casting rules.

If the value is a string, the XSD 1.1 rules are used, which means that the string "+INF" is recognised.

the result of converting to a double
SaxonApiException - if the value cannot be cast to a double


public BigDecimal getDecimalValue()
                           throws SaxonApiException
Get the value converted to a decimal using the XPath casting rules

the result of converting to a decimal
SaxonApiException - if the value cannot be cast to a double

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