Class XdmDestination

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmDestination
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XdmDestination
extends Object
implements Destination

An XdmDestination is a Destination in which an XdmNode is constructed to hold the output of a query or transformation: that is, a tree using Saxon's implementation of the XDM data model

No data needs to be supplied to the XdmDestination object. The query or transformation populates an XdmNode, which may then be retrieved using the getXdmNode method.

An XdmDestination is designed to hold a single tree rooted at a document or element node. It should therefore not be used as the destination of a query that produces multiple documents, multiple elements, nodes other than elements and documents, or atomic values. If the query does produce such a result, an exception will be thrown.

An XdmDestination can be reused to hold the results of a second query or transformation only if the reset() method is first called to reset its state.

If an XDM tree is to be built from a lexical XML document, or programmatically from the application by writing a sequence of events, the recommended mechanism is to use a DocumentBuilder rather than this class.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
 URI getBaseURI()
          Get the base URI that will be used for the document node when the XdmDestination is written to.
 Receiver getReceiver(Configuration config)
          Return a Receiver.
 TreeModel getTreeModel()
          Get the tree model to be used for documents constructed using this XdmDestination.
 XdmNode getXdmNode()
          Return the node at the root of the tree, after it has been constructed.
 void reset()
          Allow the XdmDestination to be reused, without resetting other properties of the destination.
 void setBaseURI(URI baseURI)
          Set the base URI for the document node that will be created when the XdmDestination is written to.
 void setTreeModel(TreeModel model)
          Set the tree model to be used for documents constructed using this XdmDestination.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XdmDestination()
Method Detail


public void setBaseURI(URI baseURI)
Set the base URI for the document node that will be created when the XdmDestination is written to. This method must be called before writing to the destination; it has no effect on an XdmNode that has already been constructed.

baseURI - the base URI for the node that will be constructed when the XdmDestination is written to. This must be an absolute URI
IllegalArgumentException - if the baseURI supplied is not an absolute URI


public URI getBaseURI()
Get the base URI that will be used for the document node when the XdmDestination is written to.

the base URI that will be used for the node that is constructed when the XdmDestination is written to.


public void setTreeModel(TreeModel model)
Set the tree model to be used for documents constructed using this XdmDestination. By default, the TinyTree is used.

model - typically one of the constants TreeModel.TINY_TREE, TreeModel.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, or TreeModel.LINKED_TREE. However, in principle a user-defined tree model can be used.


public TreeModel getTreeModel()
Get the tree model to be used for documents constructed using this XdmDestination. By default, the TinyTree is used.

the tree model in use: typically one of the constants TreeModel.TINY_TREE, TreeModel.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, or TreeModel.LINKED_TREE. However, in principle a user-defined tree model can be used.


public Receiver getReceiver(Configuration config)
                     throws SaxonApiException
Return a Receiver. Saxon calls this method to obtain a Receiver, to which it then sends a sequence of events representing the content of an XML document.

Specified by:
getReceiver in interface Destination
config - The Saxon configuration. This is supplied so that the destination can use information from the configuration (for example, a reference to the name pool) to construct or configure the returned Receiver.
the Receiver to which events are to be sent.
SaxonApiException - if the Receiver cannot be created


public void close()
           throws SaxonApiException
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released. Saxon calls this method when it has finished writing to the destination.

Specified by:
close in interface Destination
SaxonApiException - if any failure occurs


public XdmNode getXdmNode()
Return the node at the root of the tree, after it has been constructed.

This method should not be called while the tree is under construction.

the root node of the tree (always a document or element node); or null if nothing is written to the tree (for example, the result of a query that returns the empty sequence)
IllegalStateException - if called during the execution of the process that is writing the tree.


public void reset()
Allow the XdmDestination to be reused, without resetting other properties of the destination.

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