Class XPathVariable

  extended by net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathVariable
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Binding, VariableDeclaration

public final class XPathVariable
extends Object
implements VariableDeclaration, Binding, Serializable

An object representing an XPath variable for use in the standalone XPath API. The object can only be created by calling the declareVariable method of class IndependentContext. Note that once declared, this object is thread-safe: it does not hold the actual variable value, which means it can be used with any number of evaluations of a given XPath expression, in series or in parallel.

A variable can be given a value by calling XPathDynamicContext.setVariable(XPathVariable, Note that the value of the variable is not held in the XPathVariable object, but in the XPathDynamicContext, which means that the XPathVariable itself can be used in multiple threads.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 void addReference(boolean isLoopingReference)
          Register a variable reference that refers to the variable bound in this expression
 ValueRepresentation evaluateVariable(XPathContext context)
          Get the value of the variable.
 IntegerValue[] getIntegerBoundsForVariable()
          If the variable is bound to an integer, get the minimum and maximum possible values.
 int getLocalSlotNumber()
          If this is a local variable held on the local stack frame, return the corresponding slot number.
 SequenceType getRequiredType()
          Get the required type of this variable.
 StructuredQName getVariableQName()
          Get the name of the variable as a QNameValue.
 boolean isAssignable()
          Test whether it is permitted to assign to the variable using the saxon:assign extension element.
 boolean isGlobal()
          Ask whether the binding is local or global.
protected static XPathVariable make(StructuredQName name)
          Factory method, for use by the declareVariable method of class IndependentContext
 void registerReference(BindingReference ref)
          Method called by the XPath expression parser to register a reference to this variable.
 void setRequiredType(SequenceType requiredType)
          Set the required type of this variable.
 void setSlotNumber(int slotNumber)
          Set the slot number allocated to this variable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


protected static XPathVariable make(StructuredQName name)
Factory method, for use by the declareVariable method of class IndependentContext

name - the name of the variable to create
the constructed XPathVariable


public boolean isGlobal()
Ask whether the binding is local or global. A global binding is one that has a fixed value for the life of a query or transformation; any other binding is local. An XPath variable is treated as a local variable (largely because it is held on the stack frame)

Specified by:
isGlobal in interface Binding
false (always)


public final boolean isAssignable()
Test whether it is permitted to assign to the variable using the saxon:assign extension element. This will only be for an XSLT global variable where the extra attribute saxon:assignable="yes" is present.

Specified by:
isAssignable in interface Binding
false (always)


public void setRequiredType(SequenceType requiredType)
Set the required type of this variable. If no required type is specified, the type item()* is assumed.

requiredType - the required type


public SequenceType getRequiredType()
Get the required type of this variable. If no required type has been specified, the type item()* is returned.

Specified by:
getRequiredType in interface Binding
the required type of the variable


public IntegerValue[] getIntegerBoundsForVariable()
If the variable is bound to an integer, get the minimum and maximum possible values. Return null if unknown or not applicable

Specified by:
getIntegerBoundsForVariable in interface Binding
a pair of integers containing the minimum and maximum values for the integer value; or null if the value is not an integer or the range is unknown


public void setSlotNumber(int slotNumber)
Set the slot number allocated to this variable. This method is for internal use.

slotNumber - the slot number to be allocated


public int getLocalSlotNumber()
If this is a local variable held on the local stack frame, return the corresponding slot number. In other cases, return -1.

Specified by:
getLocalSlotNumber in interface Binding
the slot number on the local stack frame


public StructuredQName getVariableQName()
Get the name of the variable as a QNameValue.

Specified by:
getVariableQName in interface Binding
Specified by:
getVariableQName in interface VariableDeclaration
the name of the variable, as a QNameValue


public void addReference(boolean isLoopingReference)
Description copied from interface: Binding
Register a variable reference that refers to the variable bound in this expression

Specified by:
addReference in interface Binding
isLoopingReference - - true if the reference occurs within a loop, such as the predicate of a filter expression


public void registerReference(BindingReference ref)
Method called by the XPath expression parser to register a reference to this variable. This method should not be called by users of the API.

Specified by:
registerReference in interface VariableDeclaration
ref - the variable reference


public ValueRepresentation evaluateVariable(XPathContext context)
Get the value of the variable. This method is used by the XPath execution engine to retrieve the value. Note that the value is not held within the variable itself, but within the dunamic context.

Specified by:
evaluateVariable in interface Binding
context - The dynamic evaluation context
The value of the variable

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