Class ContextStackFrame

  extended by net.sf.saxon.trace.ContextStackFrame
Direct Known Subclasses:
ContextStackFrame.ApplyTemplates, ContextStackFrame.BuiltInTemplateRule, ContextStackFrame.CallingApplication, ContextStackFrame.CallTemplate, ContextStackFrame.FunctionCall, ContextStackFrame.VariableEvaluation

public abstract class ContextStackFrame
extends Object

An entry on the context stack. A new entry is created every time the context changes. This is a representation of the stack created on request; it does not hold live data.

Nested Class Summary
static class ContextStackFrame.ApplyTemplates
          Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing an xsl:apply-templates call in XSLT
static class ContextStackFrame.BuiltInTemplateRule
          Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing a built-in template rule in XSLT
static class ContextStackFrame.CallingApplication
          Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing the outermost stack frame, for the calling application
static class ContextStackFrame.CallTemplate
          Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing an xsl:call-template instruction in XSLT
static class ContextStackFrame.FunctionCall
          Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing a call to a user-defined function either in XSLT or XQuery
static class ContextStackFrame.VariableEvaluation
          Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing the evaluation of a variable (typically a global variable)
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Container getContainer()
          Get the container of the instruction that caused this new context to be created.
 Item getContextItem()
          Get the value of the context item at this level of the context stack
 int getLineNumber()
          Get the line number of the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created
 String getSystemId()
          Get the system ID representing the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created
abstract  void print(PrintStream out)
          Display a representation of the stack frame on the specified output stream
 void setContainer(Container container)
          Set the container of the instruction that caused this new context to be created.
 void setContextItem(Item contextItem)
          Set the value of the context item at this level of the context stack
 void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)
          Set the line number of the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created
 void setSystemId(String uri)
          Set the system ID representing the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created
protected  String showLocation()
          Show the location of a call (for use by subclasses)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ContextStackFrame()
Method Detail


public void setSystemId(String uri)
Set the system ID representing the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created

uri - the system ID (base URI/module URI) of the module containing the instruction


public String getSystemId()
Get the system ID representing the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created

the system ID (base URI/module URI) of the module containing the instruction


public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)
Set the line number of the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created

lineNumber - the line number of the instruction within its containing module


public int getLineNumber()
Get the line number of the location of the instruction that caused this new context to be created

the line number of the instruction within its containing module


public void setContainer(Container container)
Set the container of the instruction that caused this new context to be created. This will generally be an object such as an XSLT Template or a user-defined function

container - the container of the instruction


public Container getContainer()
Get the container of the instruction that caused this new context to be created. This will generally be an object such as an XSLT Template or a user-defined function

the container of the instruction in the expression tree


public void setContextItem(Item contextItem)
Set the value of the context item at this level of the context stack

contextItem - the context item as it was when this new context was created


public Item getContextItem()
Get the value of the context item at this level of the context stack

the context item as it was when this new context was created


public abstract void print(PrintStream out)
Display a representation of the stack frame on the specified output stream

out - the output stream


protected String showLocation()
Show the location of a call (for use by subclasses)

typically "(" + systemId() + "#" + lineNumber() + ")"

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