Package net.sf.saxon.trace

This package provides an interface to Saxon tracing and debugging capabilities.


Interface Summary
InstructionInfo Information about an instruction in the stylesheet or a construct in a Query, made available at run-time to a TraceListener

Class Summary
AbstractTraceListener This is the standard trace listener used when the -T option is specified on the command line.
ContextStackFrame An entry on the context stack.
ContextStackFrame.ApplyTemplates Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing an xsl:apply-templates call in XSLT
ContextStackFrame.BuiltInTemplateRule Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing a built-in template rule in XSLT
ContextStackFrame.CallingApplication Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing the outermost stack frame, for the calling application
ContextStackFrame.CallTemplate Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing an xsl:call-template instruction in XSLT
ContextStackFrame.FunctionCall Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing a call to a user-defined function either in XSLT or XQuery
ContextStackFrame.VariableEvaluation Subclass of ContextStackFrame representing the evaluation of a variable (typically a global variable)
ContextStackIterator This class provides a representation of the current runtime call stack, as represented by the stack of XPathContext objects.
ExpressionPresenter This class handles the display of an abstract expression tree in an XML format with some slight resemblence to XQueryX
Location This class holds constants identifying different kinds of location in a source stylesheet or query.
TimingCodeInjector A code injector that wraps the body of a template or function in a TraceExpression, which causes the TimingTraceListener to be notified at the start and end of the function/template evaluation
TimingTraceListener A trace listener that records timing information for templates and functions, outputting this information as an HTML report to a specified destination when the transformation completes.
TraceCodeInjector A code injector that wraps every expression (other than a literal) in a TraceExpression, which causes a TraceListener to be notified when the expression is evaluated
TraceEventMulticaster A class which implements efficient and thread-safe multi-cast event dispatching for the TraceListener evants.
XQueryTraceListener A Simple trace listener for XQuery that writes messages (by default) to System.err
XSLTTraceCodeInjector A code injector that wraps every expression (other than a literal) in a TraceExpression, which causes a TraceListener to be notified when the expression is evaluated
XSLTTraceListener A Simple trace listener for XSLT that writes messages (by default) to System.err

Package net.sf.saxon.trace Description

This package provides an interface to Saxon tracing and debugging capabilities.

The package was originally created by Edwin Glaser.

The package includes three tracing modules that can be optionally selected: XSLTTraceListener, XQueryTraceListener, and TimedTraceListener. These all receive notification of the same events, but select and format the events in different ways to meet different requirements. Other events are notified through the TraceListener interface that are ignored by tracing applications, but may be of interest to debuggers.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
9 February 2005

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