Class Untyped

  extended by net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ComplexType, SchemaComponent, SchemaType

public final class Untyped
extends Object
implements ComplexType, Serializable

This class has a singleton instance which represents the complex type xdt:untyped, used for elements that have not been validated.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.ComplexType
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
Method Summary
 boolean allowsAttributes()
          Return true if this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.
 boolean allowsDerivation(int derivation)
          Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
 void analyzeContentExpression(Expression expression, int kind, StaticContext env)
          Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
 Value atomize(NodeInfo node)
          Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
 void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType type, int block)
          Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
 boolean containsElementWildcard()
          Ask whether this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have children that match a wildcard
 void gatherAllPermittedChildren(IntHashSet children, boolean ignoreWildcards)
          Get a list of all the names of elements that can appear as children of an element having this complex type, as integer fingerprints.
 void gatherAllPermittedDescendants(IntHashSet descendants)
          Get a list of all the names of elements that can appear as descendants of an element having this complex type, as integer fingerprints.
 int getAttributeUseCardinality(int fingerprint)
          Find an attribute use within this complex type definition having a given attribute name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that attribute, which will always be 0, 1, or 0-or-1.
 SimpleType getAttributeUseType(int fingerprint)
          Find an attribute use within this complex type definition having a given attribute name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that attribute.
 SchemaType getBaseType()
          Returns the base type that this type inherits from.
 int getBlock()
          Returns the value of the 'block' attribute for this type, as a bit-signnificant integer with fields such as SchemaType.DERIVATION_LIST and SchemaType.DERIVATION_EXTENSION
 int getDerivationMethod()
          Gets the integer code of the derivation method used to derive this type from its parent.
 int getDescendantElementCardinality(int fingerprint)
          Assuming an element is a permitted descendant in the content model of this type, determine the cardinality of the element when it appears as a descendant.
 SchemaType getDescendantElementType(int fingerprint)
          Assuming an element is a permitted descendant in the content model of this type, determine the type of the element when it appears as a descendant.
 String getDescription()
          Get a description of this type for use in diagnostics
 String getDisplayName()
          Get the display name of the type: that is, a lexical QName with an arbitrary prefix
 int getElementParticleCardinality(int fingerprint, boolean considerExtensions)
          Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that element particle, that is, the number of times the element can occur within this complex type.
 SchemaType getElementParticleType(int fingerprint, boolean considerExtensions)
          Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that element particle.
 int getFingerprint()
          Get the fingerprint of the name of this type
static Untyped getInstance()
          Get the singular instance of this class
 SchemaType getKnownBaseType()
          Returns the base type that this type inherits from.
 String getName()
          Get the local name of this type
 int getNameCode()
          Get the namecode of the name of this type.
 int getRedefinitionLevel()
          Get the redefinition level.
 SimpleType getSimpleContentType()
          For a complex type with simple content, return the simple type of the content.
 String getSystemId()
          Get the URI of the schema document containing the definition of this type
 String getTargetNamespace()
          Get the target namespace of this type
 SequenceIterator getTypedValue(NodeInfo node)
          Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type
 int getValidationStatus()
          Get the validation status - always valid
 int getVariety()
          Get the variety of this complex type.
 boolean isAbstract()
          Test whether this ComplexType has been marked as abstract.
 boolean isAllContent()
          Test whether this complex type has "all" content, that is, a content model using an xs:all compositor
 boolean isAnonymousType()
          Test whether this is an anonymous type
 boolean isAtomicType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is an atomic type
 boolean isComplexContent()
          Test whether this complex type has complex content
 boolean isComplexType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is a complex type
 boolean isEmptiable()
          Test whether the content model of this complexType allows empty content
 boolean isEmptyContent()
          Test whether the content type of this complex type is empty
 boolean isIdRefType()
          Ask whether this type is an IDREF or IDREFS type.
 boolean isIdType()
          Ask whether this type is an ID type.
 boolean isMixedContent()
          Test whether this complex type allows mixed content
 boolean isRestricted()
          Test whether this complex type is derived by restriction
 boolean isSameType(SchemaType other)
          Test whether this is the same type as another type.
 boolean isSimpleContent()
          Test whether this complex type has simple content
 boolean isSimpleType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is a simple type
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int getValidationStatus()
Get the validation status - always valid

Specified by:
getValidationStatus in interface SchemaComponent
one of the values SchemaComponent.UNVALIDATED, SchemaComponent.VALIDATING, SchemaComponent.VALIDATED, SchemaComponent.INVALID, SchemaComponent.INCOMPLETE


public String getName()
Get the local name of this type

Specified by:
getName in interface SchemaType
the local name of this type definition, if it has one. Return null in the case of an anonymous type.


public int getRedefinitionLevel()
Get the redefinition level. This is zero for a component that has not been redefined; for a redefinition of a level-0 component, it is 1; for a redefinition of a level-N component, it is N+1. This concept is used to support the notion of "pervasive" redefinition: if a component is redefined at several levels, the top level wins, but it is an error to have two versions of the component at the same redefinition level.

Specified by:
getRedefinitionLevel in interface SchemaComponent
the redefinition level


public String getTargetNamespace()
Get the target namespace of this type

Specified by:
getTargetNamespace in interface SchemaType
the target namespace of this type definition, if it has one. Return null in the case of an anonymous type, and in the case of a global type defined in a no-namespace schema.


public int getVariety()
Get the variety of this complex type. This will be one of the values ComplexType.VARIETY_EMPTY, ComplexType.VARIETY_MIXED, ComplexType.VARIETY_SIMPLE, or ComplexType.VARIETY_ELEMENT_ONLY

Specified by:
getVariety in interface ComplexType


public String getSystemId()
Get the URI of the schema document containing the definition of this type

Specified by:
getSystemId in interface SchemaType
null for a built-in type


public int getBlock()
Returns the value of the 'block' attribute for this type, as a bit-signnificant integer with fields such as SchemaType.DERIVATION_LIST and SchemaType.DERIVATION_EXTENSION

Specified by:
getBlock in interface SchemaType
the value of the 'block' attribute for this type


public int getDerivationMethod()
Gets the integer code of the derivation method used to derive this type from its parent. Returns zero for primitive types.

Specified by:
getDerivationMethod in interface SchemaType
a numeric code representing the derivation method, for example SchemaType.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION


public boolean allowsDerivation(int derivation)
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property

Specified by:
allowsDerivation in interface SchemaType
derivation - the kind of derivation, for example SchemaType.DERIVATION_LIST
true if this kind of derivation is allowed


public void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType type,
                                    int block)
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type

Specified by:
checkTypeDerivationIsOK in interface SchemaType
type - the type from which this type is derived
block - the derivations that are blocked by the relevant element declaration


public int getFingerprint()
Get the fingerprint of the name of this type

Specified by:
getFingerprint in interface SchemaType
the fingerprint. Returns an invented fingerprint for an anonymous type.


public int getNameCode()
Get the namecode of the name of this type. This includes the prefix from the original type declaration: in the case of built-in types, there may be a conventional prefix or there may be no prefix.

Specified by:
getNameCode in interface SchemaType
the namecode. Returns an invented namecode for an anonymous type.


public String getDisplayName()
Get the display name of the type: that is, a lexical QName with an arbitrary prefix

Specified by:
getDisplayName in interface SchemaType
a lexical QName identifying the type


public boolean isComplexType()
Test whether this SchemaType is a complex type

Specified by:
isComplexType in interface SchemaType
true if this SchemaType is a complex type


public boolean isAnonymousType()
Test whether this is an anonymous type

Specified by:
isAnonymousType in interface SchemaType
true if this SchemaType is an anonymous type


public SchemaType getKnownBaseType()
                            throws IllegalStateException
Returns the base type that this type inherits from. This method can be used to get the base type of a type that is known to be valid. If this type is a Simpletype that is a built in primitive type then null is returned.

the base type.
IllegalStateException - if this type is not valid.


public boolean isSameType(SchemaType other)
Test whether this is the same type as another type. They are considered to be the same type if they are derived from the same type definition in the original XML representation (which can happen when there are multiple includes of the same file)

Specified by:
isSameType in interface SchemaType
other - the other type
true if this is the same type as other


public SchemaType getBaseType()
Returns the base type that this type inherits from. If this type is a Simpletype that is a built in primitive type then null is returned.

Specified by:
getBaseType in interface SchemaType
the base type.


public static Untyped getInstance()
Get the singular instance of this class

the singular object representing xs:anyType


public boolean isAbstract()
Test whether this ComplexType has been marked as abstract.

Specified by:
isAbstract in interface ComplexType
false: this class is not abstract.


public boolean isSimpleType()
Test whether this SchemaType is a simple type

Specified by:
isSimpleType in interface SchemaType
true if this SchemaType is a simple type


public boolean isAtomicType()
Test whether this SchemaType is an atomic type

Specified by:
isAtomicType in interface SchemaType
true if this SchemaType is an atomic type


public boolean isIdType()
Ask whether this type is an ID type. This is defined to be any simple type who typed value may contain atomic values of type xs:ID: that is, it includes types derived from ID by restriction, list, or union. Note that for a node to be treated as an ID, its typed value must be a *single* atomic value of type ID; the type of the node, however, can still allow a list.

Specified by:
isIdType in interface SchemaType
true if this type is an ID type


public boolean isIdRefType()
Ask whether this type is an IDREF or IDREFS type. This is defined to be any simple type who typed value may contain atomic values of type xs:IDREF: that is, it includes types derived from IDREF or IDREFS by restriction, list, or union

Specified by:
isIdRefType in interface SchemaType
true if this type is an IDREF type


public boolean isComplexContent()
Test whether this complex type has complex content

Specified by:
isComplexContent in interface ComplexType
true: this complex type has complex content


public boolean isSimpleContent()
Test whether this complex type has simple content

Specified by:
isSimpleContent in interface ComplexType
false: this complex type has complex content


public boolean isAllContent()
Test whether this complex type has "all" content, that is, a content model using an xs:all compositor

Specified by:
isAllContent in interface ComplexType
false: this complex type does not use an "all" compositor


public SimpleType getSimpleContentType()
For a complex type with simple content, return the simple type of the content. Otherwise, return null.

Specified by:
getSimpleContentType in interface ComplexType
null: this complex type does not have simple content


public boolean isRestricted()
Test whether this complex type is derived by restriction

Specified by:
isRestricted in interface ComplexType
true: this type is treated as a restriction of xs:anyType


public boolean isEmptyContent()
Test whether the content type of this complex type is empty

Specified by:
isEmptyContent in interface ComplexType
false: the content model is not empty


public boolean isEmptiable()
Test whether the content model of this complexType allows empty content

Specified by:
isEmptiable in interface ComplexType
true: the content is allowed to be empty


public boolean isMixedContent()
Test whether this complex type allows mixed content

Specified by:
isMixedContent in interface ComplexType
true: mixed content is allowed


public String getDescription()
Get a description of this type for use in diagnostics

Specified by:
getDescription in interface SchemaType
the string "xs:anyType"


public void analyzeContentExpression(Expression expression,
                                     int kind,
                                     StaticContext env)
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.

Specified by:
analyzeContentExpression in interface SchemaType
expression - the expression that delivers the content
kind - the node kind whose content is being delivered: Type.ELEMENT, Type.ATTRIBUTE, or Type.DOCUMENT
env - the static context


public SequenceIterator getTypedValue(NodeInfo node)
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type

Specified by:
getTypedValue in interface SchemaType
node - the node whose typed value is required
an iterator returning a single untyped atomic value, equivalent to the string value of the node. This follows the standard rules for elements with mixed content.


public Value atomize(NodeInfo node)
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type. The result of this method will always be consistent with the method getTypedValue( However, this method is often more convenient and may be more efficient, especially in the common case where the value is expected to be a singleton.

Specified by:
atomize in interface SchemaType
node - the node whose typed value is required
the typed value.


public SchemaType getElementParticleType(int fingerprint,
                                         boolean considerExtensions)
Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that element particle. If there is no such particle, return null. If the fingerprint matches an element wildcard, return the type of the global element declaration with the given name if one exists, or AnyType if none exists and lax validation is permitted by the wildcard.

Specified by:
getElementParticleType in interface ComplexType
fingerprint - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
considerExtensions -
the schema type associated with the child element particle with the given name. If there is no such particle, return null.


public int getElementParticleCardinality(int fingerprint,
                                         boolean considerExtensions)
Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that element particle, that is, the number of times the element can occur within this complex type. The value is one of StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE, StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE, StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE, StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ONE_OR_MORE, If there is no such particle, return zero.

Specified by:
getElementParticleCardinality in interface ComplexType
fingerprint - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
considerExtensions -
the cardinality associated with the child element particle with the given name. If there is no such particle, return StaticProperty.EMPTY.


public SimpleType getAttributeUseType(int fingerprint)
Find an attribute use within this complex type definition having a given attribute name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that attribute. If there is no such attribute use, return null. If the fingerprint matches an attribute wildcard, return the type of the global attribute declaration with the given name if one exists, or AnySimpleType if none exists and lax validation is permitted by the wildcard.

Specified by:
getAttributeUseType in interface ComplexType
fingerprint - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
the schema type associated with the attribute use identified by the fingerprint. If there is no such attribute use, return null.


public int getAttributeUseCardinality(int fingerprint)
                               throws SchemaException
Find an attribute use within this complex type definition having a given attribute name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that attribute, which will always be 0, 1, or 0-or-1. If there is no such attribute use, return null. If the fingerprint matches an attribute wildcard, return the type of the global attribute declaration with the given name if one exists, or AnySimpleType if none exists and lax validation is permitted by the wildcard.

If there are types derived from this type by extension, search those too.

Specified by:
getAttributeUseCardinality in interface ComplexType
fingerprint - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
the schema type associated with the attribute use identified by the fingerprint. If there is no such attribute use, return null.


public boolean allowsAttributes()
Return true if this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.

Specified by:
allowsAttributes in interface ComplexType
true if attributes are allowed


public void gatherAllPermittedChildren(IntHashSet children,
                                       boolean ignoreWildcards)
                                throws SchemaException
Get a list of all the names of elements that can appear as children of an element having this complex type, as integer fingerprints. If the list is unbounded (because of wildcards or the use of xs:anyType), return null.

Specified by:
gatherAllPermittedChildren in interface ComplexType
children - an integer set, initially empty, which on return will hold the fingerprints of all permitted child elements; if the result contains the value -1, this indicates that it is not possible to enumerate all the children, typically because of wildcards. In this case the other contents of the set should
ignoreWildcards -


public void gatherAllPermittedDescendants(IntHashSet descendants)
                                   throws SchemaException
Get a list of all the names of elements that can appear as descendants of an element having this complex type, as integer fingerprints. If the list is unbounded (because of wildcards or the use of xs:anyType), return null.

Specified by:
gatherAllPermittedDescendants in interface ComplexType
descendants - an integer set, initially empty, which on return will hold the fingerprints of all permitted descendant elements; if the result contains the value -1, this indicates that it is not possible to enumerate all the descendants, typically because of wildcards. In this case the other contents of the set should be ignored.


public SchemaType getDescendantElementType(int fingerprint)
                                    throws SchemaException
Assuming an element is a permitted descendant in the content model of this type, determine the type of the element when it appears as a descendant. If it appears with more than one type, return xs:anyType.

Specified by:
getDescendantElementType in interface ComplexType
fingerprint - the name of the required descendant element
the type of the descendant element; null if the element cannot appear as a descendant; anyType if it can appear with several different types


public int getDescendantElementCardinality(int fingerprint)
                                    throws SchemaException
Assuming an element is a permitted descendant in the content model of this type, determine the cardinality of the element when it appears as a descendant.

Specified by:
getDescendantElementCardinality in interface ComplexType
fingerprint - the name of the required descendant element
the cardinality of the descendant element within this complex type


public boolean containsElementWildcard()
Ask whether this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have children that match a wildcard

Specified by:
containsElementWildcard in interface ComplexType
true if the content model of this type, or its extensions, contains an element wildcard

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