Class XPathFactoryImpl

  extended by javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
      extended by net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl
Direct Known Subclasses:
EnterpriseXPathFactory, ProfessionalXPathFactory

public class XPathFactoryImpl
extends XPathFactory

Saxon implementation of the JAXP 1.3 XPathFactory

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor: this creates a Configuration as well as creating the XPathFactory.
XPathFactoryImpl(Configuration config)
          Constructor using a user-supplied Configuration.
Method Summary
 Configuration getConfiguration()
          Get the Configuration object used by this XPathFactory
 boolean getFeature(String feature)
          Get a feature of this XPath implementation.
 boolean isObjectModelSupported(String model)
          Test whether a given object model is supported.
 XPath newXPath()
          Create an XPath evaluator
 void setConfiguration(Configuration config)
          Set the Configuration for the factory
 void setFeature(String feature, boolean b)
          Set a feature of this XPath implementation.
 void setXPathFunctionResolver(XPathFunctionResolver xPathFunctionResolver)
          Set a resolver for XPath functions.
 void setXPathVariableResolver(XPathVariableResolver xPathVariableResolver)
          Set a resolver for XPath variables.
Methods inherited from class javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
newInstance, newInstance, newInstance
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XPathFactoryImpl()
Default constructor: this creates a Configuration as well as creating the XPathFactory. Any documents accessed using this XPathFactory must be built using this same Configuration.


public XPathFactoryImpl(Configuration config)
Constructor using a user-supplied Configuration. This constructor is useful if the document to be queried already exists, as it allows the configuration associated with the document to be used with this XPathFactory.

config - the Saxon configuration
Method Detail


public void setConfiguration(Configuration config)
Set the Configuration for the factory

config - the Saxon Configuration to be used


public Configuration getConfiguration()
Get the Configuration object used by this XPathFactory

the Saxon configuration


public boolean isObjectModelSupported(String model)
Test whether a given object model is supported. Returns true if the object model is the Saxon object model, DOM, JDOM, DOM4J, or XOM

Specified by:
isObjectModelSupported in class XPathFactory
model - The URI identifying the object model.
true if the object model is one of the following (provided that the supporting JAR file is available on the classpath) NamespaceConstant.OBJECT_MODEL_SAXON, XPathConstants.DOM_OBJECT_MODEL, NamespaceConstant.OBJECT_MODEL_JDOM, or NamespaceConstant.OBJECT_MODEL_XOM, or NamespaceConstant.OBJECT_MODEL_DOM4J. Saxon also allows user-defined external object models to be registered with the Configuration, and this method will return true in respect of any such model.


public void setFeature(String feature,
                       boolean b)
                throws XPathFactoryConfigurationException
Set a feature of this XPath implementation. The features currently recognized are:

In addition, any Saxon configuration feature (listed in FeatureKeys can be used provided the value is a boolean. (For non-boolean configuration properties, drop down to the underlying Saxon Configuration object and call setConfigurationProperty())

Specified by:
setFeature in class XPathFactory
feature - a URI identifying the feature
b - true to set the feature on, false to set it off
XPathFactoryConfigurationException - if the feature name is not recognized


public boolean getFeature(String feature)
                   throws XPathFactoryConfigurationException
Get a feature of this XPath implementation. The only features currently recognized are:

In addition, any Saxon configuration feature (listed in FeatureKeys can be used provided the value is a boolean. (For non-boolean configuration properties, drop down to the underlying Saxon Configuration object and call getConfigurationProperty())

Specified by:
getFeature in class XPathFactory
feature - a URI identifying the feature
true if the feature is on, false if it is off
XPathFactoryConfigurationException - if the feature name is not recognized


public void setXPathVariableResolver(XPathVariableResolver xPathVariableResolver)
Set a resolver for XPath variables. This will be used to obtain the value of any variable referenced in an XPath expression. The variable resolver must be allocated before the expression is compiled, but it will only be called when the expression is evaluated.

Specified by:
setXPathVariableResolver in class XPathFactory
xPathVariableResolver - The object used to resolve references to variables.


public void setXPathFunctionResolver(XPathFunctionResolver xPathFunctionResolver)
Set a resolver for XPath functions. This will be used to obtain an implementation of any external function referenced in an XPath expression. This is not required for system functions, Saxon extension functions, constructor functions named after types, or extension functions bound using a namespace that maps to a Java class.

Specified by:
setXPathFunctionResolver in class XPathFactory
xPathFunctionResolver - The object used to resolve references to external functions.


public XPath newXPath()
Create an XPath evaluator

Specified by:
newXPath in class XPathFactory
an XPath object, which can be used to compile and execute XPath expressions.

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