Package net.sf.saxon.xpath

This package is Saxon's implementation of the JAXP API designed for executing XPath 1.0 expressions directly from a Java application.


Class Summary
JAXPVariable An object representing an XPath variable for use in the JAXP XPath API.
JAXPXPathStaticContext A JAXPXPathStaticContext provides a context for parsing an XPath expression in a context other than a stylesheet.
XPathEvaluator XPathEvaluator implements the JAXP API for standalone XPath processing (that is, executing XPath expressions in the absence of an XSLT stylesheet).
XPathExpressionImpl The JAXP XPathExpression interface represents a compiled XPath expression that can be repeatedly evaluated.
XPathFactoryImpl Saxon implementation of the JAXP 1.3 XPathFactory
XPathFunctionCall This class is an expression that calls an external function supplied using the JAXP XPathFunction interface
XPathFunctionLibrary The XPathFunctionLibrary is a FunctionLibrary that supports binding of XPath function calls to instances of the JAXP XPathFunction interface returned by an XPathFunctionResolver.

Package net.sf.saxon.xpath Description

This package is Saxon's implementation of the JAXP API designed for executing XPath 1.0 expressions directly from a Java application. Saxon extends the interface to handle XPath 2.0, though if the application makes extensive use of XPath 2.0 features, then the s9api interface offers a better fit to the XPath 2.0 data model. The API can be used either in a free-standing Java application (that is, where there is no XSLT stylesheet), or it can be used from within Java extension functions called from XPath expressions within a stylesheet.

The API itself is defined by JAXP 1.3, in interfaces such as javax.xml.xpath.XPath.< These interfaces are included in Java Standard Edition from JDK 1.5 onwards.

The interfaces provided by Saxon extend the JAXP 1.3 interfaces in various ways. There are three reasons for this:

An alternative XPath interface, which is not dependent on JAXP 1.3, is available in the package net.sf.saxon.sxpath. However, for most applications the preferred interface is the s9api XPathCompiler

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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