Saxonica: News

News history

10 February 2025
Weekend flash sale held to celebrate the 21st anniversary of Saxonica's foundation.

18 December 2024
SaxonJS 3.0 beta first preview release for Node.js and browsers.

17 October 2024
SaxonJS 2.7 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

1 August 2024
Norm Tovey-Walsh presented QT4CG update at Balisage 2024.

1 August 2024
Norm Tovey-Walsh and Debbie Lockett presented SaxonJS 3.0: Major new functionality! at Balisage 2024.

2 July 2024
Saxon 12.5 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

8 June 2024
O'Neil Delpratt and Matt Patterson presented the paper Bridging XDM types in multiple native type systems at XML Prague 2024.

7 June 2024
Michael Kay presented the paper Navigating and Updating Trees of Maps and Arrays at XML Prague 2024.

25 January 2024
SaxonC 12.4.2 maintenance release for C/C++, PHP and Python.

1 December 2023
SaxonC 12.4.1 maintenance release for C/C++, PHP and Python.

29 November 2023
Saxon 12.4 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python. This is now recommended as the most stable and reliable release for production use.

3 November 2023
Debbie Lockett presented Asynchrony with Promises in SaxonJS at Declarative Amsterdam 2023.

2 November 2023
Norm Tovey-Walsh presented QT4 status update at Declarative Amsterdam 2023.

13 October 2023
SaxonJS 2.6 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

2 October 2023
Management changes at Saxonica announced - see the blog posts from Mike and Norm.

24 August 2023
Saxon 11.6 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

4 August 2023
Michael Kay presented the paper Schema-Aware Conversion of XML to JSON at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2023, Washington DC.

31 July 2023
Norm Tovey-Walsh presented the paper Ambiguity in iXML: And How to Control It at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2023, Washington DC.

4 July 2023
Saxon 12.3 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

2 May 2023
Matt Patterson has joined the development team at Saxonica.

2 May 2023
Saxon 12.2 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

21 March 2023
Saxon 12.1 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

21 March 2023
A new announcements blog has been added for release announcements.

16 February 2023
Saxon 10.9 maintenance release for Java and .NET.

8 February 2023
Saxon 11.5 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

12 January 2023
Saxon 12.0 first release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

12 January 2023
The Saxon open-source project at SourceForge is now obsolete. From now on open-source releases will be available on GitHub instead. The Saxon-HE repository contains current releases, while the Saxon-Archive repository contains older releases and other content migrated from SourceForge.

4 October 2022
SaxonJS 2.5 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

3 October 2022
There has been a 20% shift in the USD-GBP exchange rate over the past six months, with severe fluctuation in the last few weeks. In an attempt to keep our USD prices stable, we have increased our GBP list prices across the board by 20%. Existing contracts and quotations will be honoured. When ordering offline, please let us know whether you prefer to be invoiced in GBP, USD, or EUR.

4 August 2022
Michael Kay presented the paper XSLT Extensions for JSON Processing at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022, Washington DC.

2 August 2022
Norm Tovey-Walsh, Tomos Hillman, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Bethan Tovey-Walsh presented the paper Designing for change: Pragmas in Invisible XML as an extensibility mechanism at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022, Washington DC.

1 August 2022
Norm Tovey-Walsh, Tomos Hillman, John Lumley, Steven Pemberton, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Bethan Tovey-Walsh presented the paper Invisible XML Coming into Focus at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022, Washington DC.

28 July 2022
Saxon 11.4 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python. This is now recommended as the most stable and reliable release for production use.

10 June 2022
Michael Kay presented the paper Expression Elaboration at XML Prague 2022.

12 May 2022
SaxonJS 2.4 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

28 March 2022
Saxon 11.3 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

15 March 2022
Saxon 10.8 maintenance release for Java and .NET.

1 March 2022
Saxon 10.7 maintenance release for Java and .NET.

18 February 2022
Saxon 11.2 maintenance release for Java, .NET, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

10 February 2022
The saxon-help mailing list at SourceForge is now closed. Please use forums on StackOverflow and the Saxonica community site instead.

2 February 2022
New Saxon licenses are now fixed-term rather than perpetual. See Saxon licenses for details.

1 February 2022
Saxon 11.1 maintenance release for .NET, and first release for Java, and C/C++, PHP and Python.

17 January 2022
Michael Kay discussed the history and future of XSLT, the secrets of the Saxonica business, and software development in general, in a Shift-M podcast interview.

5 November 2021
Norm Tovey-Walsh presented Features of a modern XML Resolver at Declarative Amsterdam 2021.

4 November 2021
Norm Tovey-Walsh and Debbie Lockett presented SaxonJS tutorial at Declarative Amsterdam 2021.

5 October 2021
SaxonCS 11.0 first release for .NET.

16 September 2021
Saxon 10.6 maintenance release for Java and .NET.

20 August 2021
Saxon-JS 2.3 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

6 August 2021
Michael Kay presented the paper ZenoString: A Data Structure for Processing XML Strings at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2021, Washington DC.

1 August 2021
Norm Tovey-Walsh and Michael Sperberg-McQueen presented the paper Interactivity Three Ways at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2021, Washington DC.

21 May 2021
Michael Kay presented the paper <transpile from="Java" to="C#" via="XML" with="XSLT"/> at Markup UK 2021.

11 May 2021
Saxon-JS 2.2 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

14 April 2021
Saxon 10.5 maintenance release for Java and .NET.

2 March 2021
Saxon-JS 2.1 maintenance release for Node.js and browsers.

1 December 2020
Pricing structure changes. See the Saxonica community site blog post for details.

25 November 2020
Revised price structure for individual Saxon-EE licenses introduced on 1 December 2020. The headline price for a single license remains at £360, but the discount structure for multiple licenses tapers more gradually, and the discount for reduced-functionality licenses (EET, EEQ, EEV) is smaller.

28 October 2020
Saxon 10.3 maintenance release for Java and .NET. This is now recommended as the most stable and reliable release for production use.

22 October 2020
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

12 October 2020
The Saxonica online shop now accepts payments in multiple currencies. Payments are now processed through

1 October 2020
Ankita Mohinta joins the sales and marketing team. Commercial manager Sue Schreiber is looking forward to retirement, and Ankita will take over from Sue after a handover period.

1 September 2020
Norm Tovey-Walsh, XML expert well known for his work on DocBook, XProc, and the W3C Technical Architecture Group, has joined the development team at Saxonica.

26 August 2020
Saxon 10.2 maintenance release for Java, and first release for .NET.

31 July 2020
Michael Kay presented the paper Asynchronous XSLT at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2020, Washington DC.

12 June 2020
Saxon-JS 2.0 first release for Node.js and browsers.

14 May 2020
Saxon 10.1 maintenance release for Java.

16 March 2020
Saxon 10.0 first release for Java.

4 March 2020
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

14 February 2020
Michael Kay presented the paper A Proposal for XSLT 4.0 at XML Prague 2020.

6 December 2019
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

29 October 2019
Saxon/C 1.2.1 for C/C++, PHP, and Python released on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

16 October 2019
Saxon/C 1.2.0 for C/C++, PHP, and Python released on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

4 October 2019
O'Neil Delpratt and Debbie Lockett presented Implementing XForms using interactive XSLT 3.0 at Declarative Amsterdam 2019.

5 September 2019
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

28 June 2019
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

8 June 2019
John Lumley presented the paper <Angle-brackets/> on the Branch Line at Markup UK 2019.

15 May 2019
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

12 March 2019
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

21 February 2019
Saxon/C 1.1.2 maintenance release for C/C++/PHP, on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

8 February 2019
Michael Kay presented the paper An XSLT compiler written in XSLT: can it perform? at XML Prague 2019.

8 February 2019
Debbie Lockett and Adam Retter (Evolved Binary) presented the paper Task Abstraction for XPath Derived Languages at XML Prague 2019.

21 January 2019
Saxon maintenance release for Java, and first release for .NET.

7 November 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java.

6 November 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

5 October 2018
Saxon-JS 1.2.0 maintenance release.

27 September 2018
Saxon first release for Java.

25 July 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

10 June 2018
Michael Kay presented the paper An XSD 1.1 Schema Validator Written in XSLT 3.0 at Markup UK 2018.

9 May 2018
Saxon-JS 1.1.0 maintenance release.

9 May 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

19 March 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

16 March 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

10 February 2018
O'Neil Delpratt and Debbie Lockett presented a paper on Implementing XForms using interactive XSLT 3.0 at XML Prague 2018.

9 February 2018
Michael Kay presented a paper on XML Tree Models for Efficient Copy Operations at XML Prague 2018.

5 February 2018
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

20 December 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

5 December 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

30 October 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

5 October 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

5 October 2017
Saxon-JS 1.0.2 maintenance release.

27 September 2017
Saxon/C 1.1.0 for C/C++/PHP is released on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

16 August 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

3 August 2017
John Lumley presented a paper on Compiling XSLT3, in the browser, in itself at Balisage 2017, Washington DC.

28 July 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

21 July 2017
Saxon-JS 1.0.1 maintenance release.

7 July 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

6 July 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

21 June 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

10/11 June 2017
Michael Kay, Debbie Lockett, and O'Neil Delpratt all presented at XML London 2017.

10/11 June 2017
O'Neil Delpratt and Debbie Lockett presented a paper on Distributing XSLT Processing between Client and Server at XML London 2017.

8 June 2017
Saxon first release for Java and .NET.

8 June 2017
Congratulations: XSLT 3.0 published as a W3C Recommendation.

5 April 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

21 March 2017
Congratulations: XPath 3.1 and XQuery 3.1 published as W3C Recommendations.

10 February 2017
Michael Kay presented a paper on Projection and Streaming: Compared, Contrasted, and Synthesized at XML Prague 2017.

10 February 2017
John Lumley presented a paper on XPath 3.1 in the Browser at XML Prague 2017.

7 February 2017
Saxon-JS 1.0 first full release.

7 February 2017
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

9 December 2016
Saxon-JS 0.9.1 beta release.

2 December 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

2 December 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

28 November 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

22 November 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

2 November 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

21 October 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

1 September 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

5 August 2016
Saxon/C 1.0.2 is released on Mac OS X and Linux for C/C++/PHP.

5 August 2016
John Lumley presented a paper on Approximate CSS Styling in XSLT at Balisage 2016, Washington DC.

2 August 2016
Debbie Lockett presented a paper on Saxon-JS: XSLT 3.0 in the Browser at Balisage 2016, Washington DC.

28 July 2016
Saxon-JS 0.9 first public beta release.

15 July 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

17 June 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

26 May 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

12 May 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

7 April 2016
Saxon/C 1.0.1 maintenance release for C/C++/PHP platforms.

11 March 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java and the first release of Saxon 9.7 for .NET.

18 February 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java.

13 February 2016
Michael Kay gave an early preview of Saxon-JS, a Javascript implementation of Saxon, at XML Prague 2016.

5 February 2016
Saxon/C 1.0.0 for C/C++/PHP platforms is released, the first major release.

19 January 2016
Saxon maintenance release for Java.

10 December 2015
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

27 November 2015
Saxon 9.7 for Java is released, the first major release in over a year.

13 August 2015
John Lumley presented a paper on the semi-automatic conversion of certain XSLT 3.0 features to XSLT 2.0 at Balisage 2015, Washington DC.

5 August 2015
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

6 June 2015
John Lumley presented a paper on Improving Pattern Matching Performance in XSLT at XML London 2015.

5 June 2015
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

15 April 2015
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

27 March 2015
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

14 February 2015
Michael Kay presented a paper on Parallel Processing in the Saxon XSLT Processor at XML Prague 2015.

14 January 2015
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

2 December 2014
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

13 November 2014
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

31 October 2014
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

2 October 2014
Saxon 9.6 for Java is released, the first major release in over a year.

5 Aug 2014
John Lumley presented a paper on Analysing XSLT Streamability at Balisage 2014.

10 July 2014
Saxon maintenance release for Java and .NET.

28 June 2014
Saxon/C 0.3.1 beta release for C/C++/PHP platforms.

7 June 2014
Michael Kay and Debbie Lockett presented a paper on Benchmarking XSLT Performance at XML London 2014.