



Interface ICollectionFinder

All Known Implementing Classes

public interface ICollectionFinder

An instance of CollectionFinder can be registered with the Saxon configuration; it is called in response to calls on the fn:collection() and fn:uri-collection() functions. When these functions are called, the FindCollection(XPathContext, String) method is called to get a ResourceCollection object representing the collection of resources identified by the supplied collection URI.

Method Summary

 IResourceCollection FindCollection(DynamicContext context, string collectionURI)

Locate the collection of resources corresponding to a collection URI.


Method Detail


public IResourceCollection FindCollection(DynamicContext context,
string collectionURI)

Locate the collection of resources corresponding to a collection URI.


context - The XPath dynamic evaluation context
collectionURI - The collection URI: an absolute URI, formed by resolving the argument supplied to the fn:collection or fn:uri-collection against the staticbase URI


a ResourceCollection object representing the resources in the collection identified by this collection URI. Result should not be null.