



Class RawDestination

public class RawDestination
implements XmlDestination

A RawDestination is an XmlDestination that accepts a sequence output by a stylesheet or query and returns it directly as an XdmValue, without constructing an XML tree, and without serialization. It corresponds to the serialization option build-tree="no".

Constructor Summary

RawDestination ()

Construct a RawDestination


Property Summary

 Uri BaseUri

This property determines the base URI of the constructed XdmNode. If the BaseUri property of the XdmDestination is set before the destination is written to, then the constructed XdmNode will have this base URI. Setting this property after constructing the node has no effect.

 XdmValue XdmValue

After construction, retrieve the constructed document node.


Method Summary

 void Close()

Close any resources associated with this destination. Note that this does not close any user-supplied OutputStream or Writer; those must be closed explicitly by the calling application.

 void CloseAndNotify()

Close the destination and notify all registered listeners that it has been closed. This method is intended for internal use by Saxon. The method first calls RawDestination.Close to close the destination, then it calls java.util.function.Consumer.accept() on each of the listeners in turn to notify the fact that it has been closed.

 net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination GetUnderlyingDestination()

The underlying Destination object in the Saxon implementation


Constructor Detail


public RawDestination()

Construct a RawDestination

Property Detail


public Uri BaseUri {get; set; }

This property determines the base URI of the constructed XdmNode. If the BaseUri property of the XdmDestination is set before the destination is written to, then the constructed XdmNode will have this base URI. Setting this property after constructing the node has no effect.


public XdmValue XdmValue {get; }

After construction, retrieve the constructed document node.

The value of the property will be null if no data has been written to the RawDestination, either because the process that writes to the destination has not yet been run, or because the process produced no output.

Method Detail


public void Close()

Close any resources associated with this destination. Note that this does not close any user-supplied OutputStream or Writer; those must be closed explicitly by the calling application.


public void CloseAndNotify()

Close the destination and notify all registered listeners that it has been closed. This method is intended for internal use by Saxon. The method first calls RawDestination.Close to close the destination, then it calls java.util.function.Consumer.accept() on each of the listeners in turn to notify the fact that it has been closed.


public net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination GetUnderlyingDestination()

The underlying Destination object in the Saxon implementation

This property provides access to internal methods in the Saxon engine that are not specifically exposed in the .NET API. In general these methods should be considered to be less stable than the classes in the Saxon.Api namespace.

The internal methods follow Java naming conventions rather than .NET conventions.

Information about the returned net.sf.saxon.Configuration object (and the objects it provides access to) is included in the Saxon JavaDoc docmentation.


returns the underlying Destination object