Class StylesheetPackage

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class StylesheetPackage
    extends PackageData
    A (compiled) stylesheet package. This may be created either by compiling a source XSLT package, or by loading a saved package from disk. It therefore has no references to source XSLT documents.
    • Field Detail

      • defaultOutputProperties

        protected java.util.Properties defaultOutputProperties
      • namedOutputProperties

        protected java.util.Map<StructuredQName,​java.util.Properties> namedOutputProperties
      • schemaIndex

        protected java.util.Set<NamespaceUri> schemaIndex
      • hiddenComponents

        protected java.util.List<Component> hiddenComponents
    • Constructor Detail

      • StylesheetPackage

        public StylesheetPackage​(Configuration config)
        Create a stylesheet package
        config - the Saxon Configuration
    • Method Detail

      • getComponentIndex

        public java.util.HashMap<SymbolicName,​Component> getComponentIndex()
        Get a map containing all the components in this package, indexed by symbolic name
        a map containing all the components in the package. This does not include components in used packages, except to the extent that they have been copied into this package.
      • getUsedPackages

        public java.lang.Iterable<StylesheetPackage> getUsedPackages()
        Get the packages referenced from this package in an xsl:use-package declaration
        the packages used by this package
      • addUsedPackage

        public void addUsedPackage​(StylesheetPackage pack)
        Add a package to the list of packages directly used by this one
        pack - the used package
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(StylesheetPackage pack)
        Ask whether a given library package is within the package subtree rooted at this package
        pack - the library package
        true if the given library package is in the transitive contents of this package
      • setLanguageVersion

        public void setLanguageVersion​(int version)
        Set the version of the XSLT language specification to which the package manifest conforms
        version - the version (times ten) as an integer
      • setPackageName

        public void setPackageName​(java.lang.String packageName)
        Set the name of the package
        packageName - the name of the package. This is supposed to be an absolute URI, but Saxon accepts any string.
      • getPackageVersion

        public PackageVersion getPackageVersion()
        Get the package-version identifier appearing on the xsl:package element
        the version identifier as a structured entity
      • setPackageVersion

        public void setPackageVersion​(PackageVersion version)
        Set the package-version identifier appearing on the xsl:package element
        version - the version identifier as a structured entity
      • getPackageName

        public java.lang.String getPackageName()
        Get the name identifier of the xsl:package as an absolute URI
        a string value. This is supposed to be an absolute URI, but Saxon accepts any string.
      • isImplicitPackage

        public boolean isImplicitPackage()
        Ask if this is an implicit package (one rooted at xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform rather than xsl:package
        true if this package was rooted at an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element
      • setImplicitPackage

        public void setImplicitPackage​(boolean implicitPackage)
        Say whether this is an implicit package (one rooted at xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform rather than xsl:package
        implicitPackage - true if this package was rooted at an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element
      • isJustInTimeCompilation

        public boolean isJustInTimeCompilation()
        Ask whether the package was compiled with just-in-time compilation of template rules enabled
        false (always) for Saxon-HE
      • setJustInTimeCompilation

        public void setJustInTimeCompilation​(boolean justInTimeCompilation)
        Say whether the package was compiled with just-in-time compilation of template rules enabled. This method is called by the compiler itself and should not be called by users. The setting is ignored in Saxon-HE.
        justInTimeCompilation - set to true if just-in-time compilation was enabled when the package was compiled
      • getRuleManager

        public RuleManager getRuleManager()
        Get the rule manager, which knows about all the modes present in the package
        the rule manager
      • setRuleManager

        public void setRuleManager​(RuleManager ruleManager)
        Set the rule manager, which knows about all the modes present in the package
        ruleManager - the rule manager
      • getDefaultMode

        public StructuredQName getDefaultMode()
        Get the default mode for the package
        the default mode for the package as a whole (this may change for individual elements/subtrees within the package)
      • setDefaultMode

        public void setDefaultMode​(StructuredQName defaultMode)
        Set the default mode for the package
        defaultMode - the default mode for the package
      • setDeclaredModes

        public void setDeclaredModes​(boolean declared)
        Say whether it is required that modes be explicitly declared
        declared - true if modes referenced within this package must be explicitly declared
      • isDeclaredModes

        public boolean isDeclaredModes()
        Ask whether it is required that modes be explicitly declared
        true if modes referenced within this package must be explicitly declared
      • getSpaceStrippingRule

        public SpaceStrippingRule getSpaceStrippingRule()
        Get the whitespace stripping rules for this package
        the whitespace stripping rules (based on xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space)
      • getCharacterMapIndex

        public CharacterMapIndex getCharacterMapIndex()
        Get the index of named character maps defined in this package
        the index of character maps
      • setCharacterMapIndex

        public void setCharacterMapIndex​(CharacterMapIndex characterMapIndex)
        Set the index of named character maps defined in this package
        characterMapIndex - the index of named character maps
      • isCreatesSecondaryResultDocuments

        public boolean isCreatesSecondaryResultDocuments()
        Ask whether the package contains an xsl:result-document instruction
        true if the package contains an xsl:result-document instruction
      • setCreatesSecondaryResultDocuments

        public void setCreatesSecondaryResultDocuments​(boolean createsSecondaryResultDocuments)
        Say whether the package contains an xsl:result-document instruction
        createsSecondaryResultDocuments - true if the package contains an xsl:result-document instruction
      • isStripsTypeAnnotations

        public boolean isStripsTypeAnnotations()
        Ask whether the package defines that type annotations should be stripped from input documents loaded from within this package
        true if documents loaded by this package should have any type annotations stripped.
      • setStripsTypeAnnotations

        public void setStripsTypeAnnotations​(boolean stripsTypeAnnotations)
        Say whether the package defines that type annotations should be stripped from input documents loaded from within this package
        stripsTypeAnnotations - set to true if documents loaded by this package should have any type annotations stripped.
      • getStripperRules

        public SpaceStrippingRule getStripperRules()
        Get the whitespace stripping rules for source documents loaded from within this package
        the whitespace stripping rules for this package
      • setStripperRules

        public void setStripperRules​(SpaceStrippingRule stripperRules)
        Set the whitespace stripping rules for source documents loaded from within this package
        stripperRules - the whitespace stripping rules for this package
      • setDefaultOutputProperties

        public void setDefaultOutputProperties​(java.util.Properties props)
        Set the default (unnamed) serialization properties to be used for documents output using xsl:result-document instructions within this package
        props - the default serialization properties for this package
      • setNamedOutputProperties

        public void setNamedOutputProperties​(StructuredQName name,
                                             java.util.Properties props)
        Define a named set serialization properties to be used for documents output using xsl:result-document instructions within this package
        name - the name of the serialization property set
        props - the serialization properties
      • getNamedOutputProperties

        public java.util.Properties getNamedOutputProperties​(StructuredQName name)
        Get a set of named output properties
        name - the output declaration name
        the corresponding properties; or null if the name is unknown
      • getSchemaNamespaces

        public java.util.Set<NamespaceUri> getSchemaNamespaces()
        Get the set of namespaces of schema declarations imported into this package
        the set of imported namespaces
      • setContextItemRequirements

        public void setContextItemRequirements​(GlobalContextRequirement requirement)
                                        throws XPathException
        Set the required context item type. Used when there is an xsl:global-context-item child element
        requirement - details of the requirement for the global context item
        XPathException - if there are conflicts
      • getContextItemRequirements

        public GlobalContextRequirement getContextItemRequirements()
        Get the required context item type and other details of the global context item. Used when there is an xsl:global-context-item child element
        details of the requirement for the global context item
      • setStripsWhitespace

        public void setStripsWhitespace​(boolean strips)
        Say whether there is an xsl:strip-space declaration in the stylesheet package
        strips - true if an xsl:strip-space declaration has been found
      • isStripsWhitespace

        public boolean isStripsWhitespace()
        Ask whether there is an xsl:strip-space declaration in the stylesheet package
        true if an xsl:strip-space declaration has been found
      • addCompletionAction

        public void addCompletionAction​(Action action)
        Register a callback action to be performed during the completion phase of building the package
        action - the callback action
      • complete

        protected void complete()
                         throws XPathException
        Perform all registered completion actions for the package
        XPathException - if any of these completion actions fails
      • allocateBinderySlots

        public void allocateBinderySlots()
        Allocate slots to global variables. Slot numbers are unique within a package
      • addComponent

        public void addComponent​(Component component)
        Add a component to the package
        component - the component to be added
      • addGlobalVariable

        public void addGlobalVariable​(GlobalVariable variable)
        Description copied from class: PackageData
        Add a global variable to the list of global variables contained in this package
        addGlobalVariable in class PackageData
        variable - the global variable to be added
      • getMaxFunctionArity

        public int getMaxFunctionArity()
        Get the maximum arity of functions in this package
        the maximum arity
      • getComponent

        public Component getComponent​(SymbolicName name)
        Get the component within this package having a given symbolic name
        name - the symbolic name of the required component
        the requested component, or null if it does not exist in the package
      • addHiddenComponent

        public void addHiddenComponent​(Component component)
      • getOverriddenComponent

        public Component getOverriddenComponent​(SymbolicName name)
        If this component overrides a component named N, get the component that N overrides (that is, the component identified by xsl:original appearing within the overriding declaration of N)
        name - the name N
        if there is an overriding declaration of N, then the original declaration of N from the used package; otherwise null
      • addOverriddenComponent

        public void addOverriddenComponent​(Component comp)
      • addComponentsFromUsedPackage

        public void addComponentsFromUsedPackage​(StylesheetPackage usedPackage,
                                                 java.util.List<XSLAccept> acceptors,
                                                 java.util.Set<SymbolicName> overrides)
                                          throws XPathException
        Add modified copies of components from a package that is referenced from this one in an xsl:use-package declaration
        usedPackage - the used package
        acceptors - abstraction of a list of xsl:accept declarations, which can modify the visibility of accepted components
        overrides - the set of names of components from the used package that are overridden in the using package
        XPathException - if duplicate components are found
      • createFunctionLibrary

        public void createFunctionLibrary()
        Create the function library containing stylesheet functions declared in this package
      • addIxslFunctionLibrary

        protected void addIxslFunctionLibrary​(FunctionLibraryList functionLibrary)
      • addIxsl3FunctionLibrary

        protected void addIxsl3FunctionLibrary​(FunctionLibraryList functionLibrary)
      • addStubFunctionLibrary

        protected void addStubFunctionLibrary​(FunctionLibrary stubFunctions)
      • getFunctionLibrary

        public FunctionLibraryList getFunctionLibrary()
        Get the function library.
        the function library
      • getPublicFunctions

        public FunctionLibrary getPublicFunctions()
        Get the library of functions exposed by this stylesheet package, that is, functions whose visibility is public or final
        a function library containing only the functions that are exposed as public
      • getXQueryFunctionLibrary

        public XQueryFunctionLibrary getXQueryFunctionLibrary()
        Get the library of functions imported from XQuery
        the XQuery function library
      • setFunctionLibraryDetails

        public void setFunctionLibraryDetails​(FunctionLibraryList library,
                                              ExecutableFunctionLibrary overriding,
                                              ExecutableFunctionLibrary underriding)
        Set details of functions available for calling anywhere in this package. This is the function library used for resolving run-time references to functions, for example from xsl:evaluate, function-available(), or function-lookup().
        library - the main function library (as a list of sub-libraries)
        overriding - library of stylesheet functions declared with override=yes
        underriding - library of stylesheet functions declared with override=no
      • getFunction

        public UserFunction getFunction​(SymbolicName.F name)
        Get the function with a given name and arity
        name - the symbolic name of the function (QName plus arity)
        the requested function, or null if none can be found
      • isRetainUnusedFunctions

        public boolean isRetainUnusedFunctions()
        Ask whether private functions for which there are no static references need to be retained
        true if such functions need to be retained, typically because the stylesheet package uses xsl:evaluate or fn:function-lookup
      • setRetainUnusedFunctions

        public void setRetainUnusedFunctions()
        Say that private functions need to be retained, typically because the stylesheet package uses xsl:evaluate or fn:function-lookup
      • updatePreparedStylesheet

        public void updatePreparedStylesheet​(PreparedStylesheet pss)
                                      throws XPathException
        Copy information from this package to the PreparedStylesheet.
        pss - the PreparedStylesheet to be updated
        XPathException - if the PreparedStylesheet cannot be updated
      • markNonExportable

        public void markNonExportable​(java.lang.String message,
                                      java.lang.String errorCode)
        Mark the package as non-exportable, supplying an error message to be reported if export is attempted
        message - the error message to report indicating why export is not possible
        errorCode - the error code to report if export is attempted
      • export

        public void export​(ExpressionPresenter presenter)
                    throws XPathException
        Output the abstract expression tree to the supplied destination.
        presenter - the expression presenter used to display the structure
        XPathException - if exporting fails or is not permitted (it requires Saxon-EE)
      • isFallbackToNonStreaming

        public boolean isFallbackToNonStreaming()
        Ask whether a non-streamable construct has been found, forcing the entire stylesheet to fall back to unstreamed processing
        true if the stylesheet must fall back to unstreamed processing
      • setFallbackToNonStreaming

        public void setFallbackToNonStreaming()