Interface SchemaDeclaration

All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeDecl, ElementDecl

public interface SchemaDeclaration

This is a marker interface that acts as a surrogate for an object representing a global element or attribute declaration. The real implementation of these declarations is available in the schema-aware version of the Saxon product.

Method Summary
 int getFingerprint()
          Get the name of the schema component
 SchemaType getType()
          Get the simple or complex type associated with the element or attribute declaration
 boolean isAbstract()
          Determine, in the case of an Element Declaration, whether the declaration is abstract
 boolean isNillable()
          Determine, in the case of an Element Declaration, whether it is nillable.
 NodeTest makeSchemaNodeTest()
          Create a NodeTest that implements the semantics of schema-element(name) or schema-attribute(name) applied to this element or attribute declaration.

Method Detail


int getFingerprint()
Get the name of the schema component

the fingerprint of the component name


SchemaType getType()
Get the simple or complex type associated with the element or attribute declaration

the simple or complex type


NodeTest makeSchemaNodeTest()
Create a NodeTest that implements the semantics of schema-element(name) or schema-attribute(name) applied to this element or attribute declaration.


boolean isNillable()
Determine, in the case of an Element Declaration, whether it is nillable.


boolean isAbstract()
Determine, in the case of an Element Declaration, whether the declaration is abstract

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