
run($cmd as Command?) → XSLT20Processor

Uses JavaScript literal object properties to execute an XSLT transform.





The URI of the stylesheet.




A call to this function uses a single Command object parameter to describe the XSLT transform to run. The Command object is designed to be used as JavaScript literal:

var onSaxonLoad = function() { var xrows = document.getElementById("extra").getElementsByTagName("tr"); { stylesheet: "display-geo.xsl", source: "geo-files.xml" parameters: { mass: 225, rows: xrows, title: "Intro" }, }); }

This function returns a newly created XSLT20Processor object. Use this object's getResultDocument and getResultDocuments functions to get any output results from the tranform. Note that the principal output document is returned by a call to getResultDocumemt with no parameter value.

The run method serves as a wrapper for the 3 lower-level transform calls of the API: transformToDocument, transformToFragment and updateHTMLDocument. The latter of these is the default function, use the method property with the function name to specify an alternative transform.