Class XsltTransformer

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltTransformer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XsltTransformer
extends java.lang.Object
implements Destination

An XsltTransformer represents a compiled and loaded stylesheet ready for execution. The XsltTransformer holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the stylesheet.

An XsltTransformer must not be used concurrently in multiple threads. It is safe, however, to reuse the object within a single thread to run the same stylesheet several times. Running the stylesheet does not change the context that has been established.

An XsltTransformer is always constructed by running the Load method of an XsltExecutable.

An XsltTransformer is itself a Destination. This means it is possible to use one XsltTransformer as the destination to receive the results of another transformation, this providing a simple way for transformations to be chained into a pipeline.


Constructor Summary
protected XsltTransformer(Processor processor, Controller controller)
          Protected constructor
Method Summary
 Destination getDestination()
          Get the destination that was specified in a previous call of setDestination(net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination)
 XdmNode getInitialContextNode()
          Get the initial context node for the transformation, if one has been set
 QName getInitialMode()
          Get the initial mode for the transformation, if one has been set.
 QName getInitialTemplate()
          Get the initial named template for the transformation, if one has been set
 MessageListener getMessageListener()
          Get the MessageListener to be notified whenever the stylesheet evaluates an xsl:message instruction.
 XdmValue getParameter(QName name)
          Get the value that has been set for a stylesheet parameter
 Receiver getReceiver(Configuration config)
          Return a Receiver which can be used to supply the principal source document for the transformation.
 Controller getUnderlyingController()
          Get the underlying Controller used to implement this XsltTransformer.
 void setDestination(Destination destination)
          Set the destination to be used for the transformation.
 void setInitialContextNode(XdmNode node)
          Set the initial context node for the transformation.
 void setInitialMode(QName modeName)
          Set the initial mode for the transformation
 void setInitialTemplate(QName templateName)
          Set the initial named template for the transformation
 void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener)
          Set the MessageListener to be notified whenever the stylesheet evaluates an xsl:message instruction.
 void setParameter(QName name, XdmValue value)
          Set the value of a stylesheet parameter
 void setSource(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
          Set the source document for the transformation.
 void transform()
          Perform the transformation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected XsltTransformer(Processor processor,
                          Controller controller)
Protected constructor

processor - the S9API processor
controller - the Saxon controller object
Method Detail


public void setInitialTemplate(QName templateName)
                        throws SaxonApiException
Set the initial named template for the transformation

templateName - the name of the initial template, or null to indicate that there should be no initial named template
SaxonApiException - if there is no named template with this name


public QName getInitialTemplate()
Get the initial named template for the transformation, if one has been set

the name of the initial template, or null if none has been set


public void setInitialMode(QName modeName)
Set the initial mode for the transformation

modeName - the name of the initial mode, or null to indicate the default (unnamed) mode


public QName getInitialMode()
Get the initial mode for the transformation, if one has been set.

the initial mode for the transformation. Returns null if no mode has been set, or if the mode was set to null to represent the default (unnamed) mode


public void setSource(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
               throws SaxonApiException
Set the source document for the transformation. This method is equivalent to building a document from the supplied source object, and then supplying the document node of the resulting document as the initial context node.

source - the principal source document for the transformation


public void setInitialContextNode(XdmNode node)
Set the initial context node for the transformation.

This is ignored in the case where the XsltTransformer is used as the Destination of another process. In that case the initial context node will always be the document node of the document that is being streamed to this destination.

node - the initial context node, or null if there is to be no initial context node


public XdmNode getInitialContextNode()
Get the initial context node for the transformation, if one has been set

the initial context node, or null if none has been set. This will not necessarily be the same XdmNode instance as was supplied, but it will be an XdmNode object that represents the same underlying node.


public void setParameter(QName name,
                         XdmValue value)
Set the value of a stylesheet parameter

name - the name of the stylesheet parameter, as a QName
value - the value of the stylesheet parameter, or null to clear a previously set value


public XdmValue getParameter(QName name)
Get the value that has been set for a stylesheet parameter

name - the parameter whose name is required
the value that has been set for the parameter, or null if no value has been set


public void setDestination(Destination destination)
Set the destination to be used for the transformation.

This method can be used to chain transformations into a pipeline, by using one XsltTransformer as the destination of another

destination - the destination to be used


public Destination getDestination()
Get the destination that was specified in a previous call of setDestination(net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination)

the destination, or null if none has been supplied


public void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener)
Set the MessageListener to be notified whenever the stylesheet evaluates an xsl:message instruction. If no MessageListener is nominated, the output of xsl:message instructions will be serialized and sent to the standard error stream.

listener - the MessageListener to be used


public MessageListener getMessageListener()
Get the MessageListener to be notified whenever the stylesheet evaluates an xsl:message instruction. If no MessageListener has been nominated, return null

the user-supplied MessageListener, or null if none has been supplied


public void transform()
               throws SaxonApiException
Perform the transformation. If this method is used, a destination must have been supplied previously

SaxonApiException - if any dynamic error occurs during the transformation
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no destination has been supplied


public Receiver getReceiver(Configuration config)
                     throws SaxonApiException
Return a Receiver which can be used to supply the principal source document for the transformation. This method is intended primarily for internal use, though it can also be called by a user application that wishes to feed events into the transformation engine.

Saxon calls this method to obtain a Receiver, to which it then sends a sequence of events representing the content of an XML document. This method is provided so that XsltTransformer implements Destination, allowing one transformation to receive the results of another in a pipeline.

Before calling this method, the setDestination(net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination) method must be called to supply a destination for the transformation.

Note that when an XsltTransformer is used as a Destination, the initial context node set on that XsltTransformer is ignored.

Specified by:
getReceiver in interface Destination
config - The Saxon configuration. This is supplied so that the destination can use information from the configuration (for example, a reference to the name pool) to construct or configure the returned Receiver.
the Receiver to which events are to be sent.
SaxonApiException - if the Receiver cannot be created
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no Destination has been supplied


public Controller getUnderlyingController()
Get the underlying Controller used to implement this XsltTransformer. This provides access to lower-level methods not otherwise available in the s9api interface. Note that classes and methods obtained by this route cannot be guaranteed stable from release to release.


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