Note: Saxon-CE is no longer in development. As of 2017, the product has been superseded by Saxon-JS, the XSLT 3.0 run-time in JavaScript.
Saxon-CE (Client Edition) is Saxonica's implementation of XSLT 2.0 for use on web browsers.
The current release is Saxon-CE 1.1 (released 22 February 2013).
Unlike previous releases, Saxon-CE 1.1 is open-source software.
Information about the general capabilities of the product, as well as detailed instructions for installing the product and writing applications, can be found in the documentation (for Javascript users, this is presented using a Saxon-CE browser application: it will take a few seconds to load the first time you use it).
A number of Saxon-CE users have built proof of concept demonstrations which use the Saxon-CE software.
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The product is open-source. The primary license is the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. In most cases, the source files are marked as being "incompatible with secondary licenses", which means that the code cannot be combined with code issued under a GPL license (the reason for this is the difficulty of contacting all past contributors to gain their assent).
Some components are licensed under the Apache version 2.0 license or under BSD-style licenses. For more information on licensing, see Licenses.
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Please click on the link below to download the Saxon-CE software zip file. (3.6 MB)
By downloading the software, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Mozilla Public License version 2.0.
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Saxon-CE is issued in the form of compressed Javascript code that is mounted on your web server to be fetched and executed from HTML pages running in a web browser. There are no server-side executables, and therefore no dependencies on your server configuration. The software works with all modern web browsers provided Javascript is not disabled.
The software is issued as a zip file that you will first need to unzip into your chosen location (the relevant section of your web server filestore). See the Installing the Software page of the documentation for more detail.
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The documentation is presented using a Saxon-CE stylesheet, so this represents one sample application that you might wish to study. A description on how it works can be found in our XML Prague 2013 conference paper. You will find the main stylesheet at cetree.xsl.
Other sample applications are described in the documentation.
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Please use the help forums and bug trackers at if you need help or advice.
For more specialized advice, Saxonica may be able to offer consultancy.
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Source code and build files can be found in the Saxon-CE github repository.
To build the product, you will need to download GWT 2.5.
The github repository also holds master documentation, sample applications, and other resources. It currently contains very little test material, but we intend to add this in due course.
If you are interested in becoming a project committer, please contact Saxonica. We will need you (and possibly your employer) to sign a contributor agreement, and we will exercise very strict quality control over any contributions we accept.
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Saxon-CE 1.0 remains available at for existing users only. It requires a license key to activate, and Saxonica will not issue new license keys except to paid-up users.
The terms and conditions under which Saxon-CE 1.0 was released are archived at Saxon-CE terms and conditions.
Documentation for Saxon-CE 1.0 is archived here.
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The Oxygen XML editor, as of version 16, now fully supports the development of XSLT stylesheets for Saxon-CE.
Phil Fearon of Qutoric, who has been actively involved in the development of Saxon-CE, has announced XMLQuire, an editor with full support for Saxon-CE.
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